Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Floor (Episode III)

With the bank holiday over, I could get my hands on somewhere that sells rivet nuts (lets call them rivnuts like all the cool kids), which are needed to fix the front floor.

I'd decided to switch from M3 to M4 nuts as I kept breaking my M3 tool as it was too small. So with this in mind I visited Rivet Holding Limited at lunch time to stock up.

Putting the floor in place as the sun set
I was glad I did, as upon arrival there was a nice Caterham style kit car outside with a Hayabusa logo on the back, so these were people I could relate to. The helpful guy who worked there sorted me out with a selection of nuts, bolts and washers all for a fraction of what I'd have paid online, so I well recommend them. He also had some suggestions for what to use later in the build so no doubt I'll be back (that wasn't an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression).

Tada! Note the bricks at the
front are not part of the kit.
After work, I had drilled out the smaller holes to take the larger M4 rivnuts and fitted them without a problem, the M4s really are much easier to work with than the flimbsy M3s.

And now the front floor is in place, it's time to flip the car, so I may need a hand, some unsuspecting person tomorrow is going to be lured into the task on the promise of a Creme Egg.

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